
Welcome to Zenonyx.com My name is Jenn, I’m a musician/singer/songwriter and an aspiring artist. This site is focusing on my art and photography. (If interested, you can find some of my music HERE.) I really appreciate you taking the time to visit the site. I use Art for Therapy, to get my feelings out- to express myself. The act of painting really helps me when my mind, thoughts and emotions are going a hundred miles per hour, often in the wrong direction! It helps me calm down, and focus instead on color, texture and imagination. I get to enter a different world, and I’m grateful to be able to escape there. I am personally working on non-judgement and getting into the Flow of creativity.

I started this website many years ago, and I shared mostly my photography. I picked the name, because ZEN made me think of chill & relaxation, and I picked ONYX because it is a powerful stone that helps you overcome Fear. I also just liked how the 2 words blended together sounded. 🙂 Well after building the site, the whole thing went down due to some sort of glitch/hack, I’m not sure, but either way it was unfixable and I gave up on it. However in 2021, I started painting for stress relief, and it sort of has developed into this fun hobby/obsession. I had been sharing some of my art this year on my instagram page, and then I decided to take it a step further and restart this website with more of an art focus. We will see where it goes! I do have to add, that starting around early 2018, I became very interested in investigating Art pieces I found at local thrift stores, especially paintings. That led me on a rabbit hole journey into the past, and into the lives of artists. I was completely fascinated with everything I was learning. I think this laid the groundwork for me wanting to explore painting myself. I have always doodled, and drawn some, but this is the first year I have ever dove right into the paint, so to speak!

(2021 July) During My “Under the Sea” Series . I was obsessed with painting “whimsical seaweed”, if there is such a thing, lol. Hopefully I will graduate soon to more quality Acrylic Paints! For now, I’m using what I have…

I hope you enjoy the art. If you have any questions or comments, or are interested in any of my pieces, please contact me on the contact form or follow me on my Instagram. I would love to hear what you think! Thank you again for stopping by. I will put up both old and new work soon, and I will be starting a mailing list too. 🙂

2022 JULY – my artwork nook, some of my pieces, some still in progress